Sunday, April 21, 2013

Breakup has arrived (finally)!!

It was finally warm enough yesterday to start the snow melting.  We still have over 20 inches on the ground.    Looks like I'll be walking in for the next several weeks.

I am holding my breath until the first blackberry pokes through the snow cover.  I hope the voles didn't eat them again.

I am trying to plant seeds for the upcoming plant sale in May.  So far I haven't gotten much done.  However, I did discover that at least some of the seeds that spent this last winter (down to -34F) in the pickup are still viable.  I found three Subarctic 25 tomato seeds that had germinated today.

Unfortunately,  it looks like Chica has seriously injured a wrist.  Hopefully she will be back in top shape when the snow melts and the voles can't hide anymore.