Sunday, January 25, 2015

Our First Farm Video

We've joined the "YouTube" community and have posted our first short video!  Something ate our summer video (don't know where it went), so we recorded another one yesterday and finally got it posted today. Granted, there is not a lot to see with most everything under the snow, but we'll make more videos as the year progresses.  We are heading into our first real cold snap of the winter and may see -30F (-35C) overnight.
  Thoughts are on the upcoming 4th Annual Gardening Workshop, which we have tentatively set for March 21st.  We'll start around 3:15pm and run until 5 or 6pm.  The tentative agenda includes starting plants from seed and raising peonies - for personal enjoyment or commercially.  As usual, there will be door prizes.  If you have other suggestions, feel free to "comment".
  We are also working on updating and revamping the website.  This will take a little time, but a post will be made here when all is done.
  We will leave you with a sunset.  It was taken on January 3, 2015 of Mt. Foraker (right of center) just after sunset (Denali is on the left).  This was taken from our driveway and the time was actually 2:45pm.