With all our warm weather, folks are getting itchy to plant! We will be starting our 7th annual plant sale next Saturday at our usual location (Mile 1 Murphy Dome Road) and usual time (10am to 7pm). We will continue selling plants on Sunday and the following two Saturdays. We have a greater selection this year. Prices are the same as last year and everything will probably go fast. So, make sure you stop by early for the best selection. We have posted a list of what we will have available on the Fairbanks Craigslist site under the heading "Plant Sale".
A quick note on our blackberries. Last fall was really tough on all of them, with an extended period of no snow cover. Only those with row cover survived. That leaves Wild Treasure, Black Diamond, Marionberry, and Thornless Loganberry for us to get fruit off of. However, we do have some promising Metolius blackberry plants that might yield a berry or two. They are in pots and not very big. They are growing like crazy, though. Can't wait to get them in the ground and see their full potential. Right now they look like winners!